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Creating a subprogram in a manual milling machine using the concepts of M98 and M99 requires a structured approach. While manual milling doesn’t use G-code like CNC machines, you can simulate a subprogram by organizing your operations clearly. Here’s how to do it:

Creating a Subprogram Concept in Manual Milling

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1. Define the Subprogram Task

Choose a specific operation that you may want to repeat or reference, such as milling a circular pocket.

Example: Milling a Circular Pocket


  • Diameter: 2 inches
  • Depth: 0.5 inches
  • Tool: 1/2” End Mill

2. Write the Subprogram Steps

Subprogram: Milling Circular Pocket

  1. Setup:
    • Secure the workpiece in the milling machine vise.
    • Install the 1/2” end mill in the spindle.
  2. Zero the Machine:
    • Use a caliper or edge finder to locate the center of the pocket and mark it.
    • Set the machine coordinates to X0 and Y0 at this center point.
  3. Cutting Parameters:
    • Depth of Cut: 0.1 inches per pass.
    • Total Depth: 0.5 inches.
  4. Milling Process:
    • Pass 1:
      • Move the Z-axis to -0.1 inches (first depth).
      • Use the handwheel to move in a circular motion around the center point (1 inch radius).
    • Pass 2:
      • Retract the tool, lower the Z-axis to -0.2 inches, and repeat the circular milling.
    • Continue:
      • Repeat for -0.3 inches and -0.4 inches until reaching -0.5 inches.
    • Final Pass:
      • Make a light finishing cut at -0.5 inches.
  5. End of Subprogram:
    • Clean the area and measure the pocket for accuracy.

3. Main Program Structure

While manual machines do not have a formal main program structure like CNC machines, you can organize your workflow as if you were calling the subprogram.

Main Program Steps:

  1. Setup:
    • Ensure the machine is set up with the right tooling and workpiece.
  2. Call Subprogram:
    • Clearly indicate in your notes or documentation that you will perform the subprogram for the circular pocket.
  3. Perform Subprogram:
    • Follow the steps outlined in your subprogram for milling the circular pocket.
  4. End Process:
    • Document any notes or adjustments made during the process.

Safety Considerations

  • Always wear appropriate PPE (safety glasses, gloves).
  • Ensure tools are securely fastened and in good condition.
  • Keep hands away from the cutting area and maintain focus on the operation.


In manual milling, while you cannot execute M98 and M99 in the same way as CNC, you can effectively organize your operations into subprograms through careful planning and clear documentation. This method helps streamline repetitive tasks and ensures consistency in your milling operations. Adjust the parameters as needed for your specific project!

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