Feedback from 5 Axis Programmer
Mr.Vanamamalai, completed his diploma in mechanical engineering and started his career as a CNC operator, and developed himself as a setter and manual programmer...
Feed back from Mukilan
Hi Friends,
Here a feedback from a student of Millwright, who completed CNC programming training and Mastercam training at Millwright Chennai CNC Training center.
He feedback...
Feedback of Mr.Dhamodharan from Singapore
Dear Friends,
The below video, of Mr Dhamodharan, Completed CNC programming and Mastercam training in Millwright before 5 to 6 years, here he gave a...
Genuine Feed Back From Our Student..
# An another deep heart testimonial from our student
Devendiran changed his career to CNC Engineer from Office asistant.-_MIllwright
Dear Freinds,
Kindly see the following feedback from one of our student, he said, this training program, changed his career to a CNC Engineer from...
Feedback from our student learned Powermill from Millwright
Feed back about Millwright from a toolroom machinist
My profession is as setter and operator in a Toolroom company
Trainers are very kind and patience. They have the ability to clear the doubts...
Feedback form Dinesh Kumar
Dear Friends,
Thanks for kindly find the below video feedback from our student Dinesh Kumar.
Feed back about after training support from Millwright
Mr Prakash, Done his mastercam training in millwright, through online, after 2 years also , he got good support from Millwright by clearing his...